Health & Safety
Looking after our colleagues
As a manufacturing business, the safety of the people who work with us is our first priority.
Health & Safety Policy Statement
Mettal - UK Limited (ML) accept that they have moral and legal duties and responsibilities for the health, safety and welfare of its employees, contractors, clients and others who may be affected by the way in which it carries out its business operations. It is therefore the policy of ML that all work activities, e.g. fabrication, welding and powder coating, will be carried out in such a manner as to ensure that so far as is reasonable practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees, clients and any others may not be adversely affected.
ML also recognises that to comply with its duties and responsibilities as set out in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations [M.H.S.W.], Construction (Design & Management) Regulations [CDM] Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations [W.H.S.W.] and Work at Height Regulations [W.A.H.], that consideration for health, safety and welfare must be considered as an equal with all other commercial considerations and will therefore give full backing both to this policy and to those with responsibilities to carry it out.
All employees who authorise or control work activities / tasks be carried out, are responsible for ensuring that at all times health, safety and welfare facilities are available and that the work is carried out in compliance with all known relevant standards and legislation. Specific attention is to be made to ensure that (i) where there may be a significant risk from work activities a risk assessment is carried out and (ii) where work equipment is specified and/or installed that it complies with all the relevant legislative requirements, e.g. the Provision & Use of Work Equipment [PUWER] Regulations. It follows that they must ensure that their responsibilities are adequately delegated during their absence.
Employees are actively encouraged to plan, design, install, operate plant / equipment and carry out their work activities in a safe and considerate manner with due care to their own health, safety and welfare and also that of others.
Disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who flagrantly disregards safety instructions and/or approved safe working practices.
Where hazards cannot be totally removed, due to e.g. (i) the location and/or (ii) the environment and/or (iii) the nature of the plant / equipment in use or (iv) control measures when these are not available or practicable, then personal protective equipment must be issued. Employees and sub-contractors are to be actively encouraged to use such protective equipment at all times irrespective of the degree of perceived risk, to ensure the safety of themselves.
ML will so far as is reasonable practicable ensure that contractors employed to carry out work on their behalf are competent and that they conduct their work activities in accordance with the company policy for health, safety & welfare. ML will comply fully with CDM throughout the different phases of the project being undertaken.
The implementation of this Policy will be undertaken by the Associate Directors and Senior Officers supported by and Company Health and Safety Officer who will monitor compliance with the requirements and give advice on health, safety and welfare matters generally.
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(This Statement of General Policy on health, safety and welfare at work and of the organisation and arrangements for carrying out the Policy, is made under Section 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and is to be brought to the notice of all employees of ML by prominent display at all sites and workplaces. The supporting Instruction, Procedures and Organisation Arrangements are available at Area Offices for reference by all employees).
Signed:- George Darling
Director. January 2023.